terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013

Kill Everyone by Lee Nelson

Hi every1!

I´ve been reading this week the awesome book from Lee Nelson called Kill Everyone in a way to play mtt´s in the right direction.

These book is totally amazing I´ve been learning a lot about how I should behave in a table, how I should improve my hand, the best way to get mtt´s and became a winner....wow! That´s brilliant information.

I´m in a half way to get this thought but I can say that it´s clear for me now the big difference between mtt´s and sng´s.

As a sng player for long time I know that being a tight player made me be a good player with a good ROI and for sng´s its the right behave on the tables, since it´s a passive game and you can control much better what your opponents do and what you´re doing to beat them.

Following that book for a mtt winner player you must to forget what you have been done in sng´s and try to be much more loose and aggressive. A style that I´m not use to be since I´ve always playing sng´s and using the tight aggressive style all the day.

Reading that book is making me thinking that I might like mtt´s a lot since its so different in style, EV, counting, observations on the players, pushes, squeezes, 3bets....it´s really amazing! Of course you must to keep your good game and won´t became a crazy one, but you can loose up a bit and try something new.

I´m very excited for reading that book and looking forward to improve my game very soon on the tables.

Good luck every1!


Original published on Titan Poker Blog

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