sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Exploring Low Buy-in MTT´s

Hi there!
Sorry that it’s been a long time without posting but I was thinking about what I should write that would be helpful to other players. Continuing to speak about low stakes could be nice. J
There’s a good game that we can explore: low stake MTTs (multi-table tournaments). In my opinion, these tourneys make for an easy field but you probably will be dealing with many suck-outs because the other players could be bluffing a lot. They could call you with bottom pair and end up getting two pairs on the river. LOL. In the long run, playing these tourneys is profitable if you keep in mind that you need to study the game, the players, and of course review your hands.
Don’t forget that you need to study MTT games and there’s good stuff online that can help you, such as videos and e-books. Keep in mind that you’re going to need at least 100 buy-ins in your bankroll (as I said in the other article) so that you can’t go broke easily. Try to work out your tilt since you will be totally exposed to a field that will call you lightly. Don’t forget that you can improve if you remember that in the long run, all your study will pay off and those players that are annoying you in the tournaments will pay your bills. ;)
In low stakes MTTs the best way to play is staying tight while also playing aggressively. Wait for good hands, try to analyze who is loose, who is tight, how the players at your table are acting and try to keep your game solid, involving yourself in hands that could be worthwhile. Try to steal the blinds when you think you can steal the blinds. Observe everything around you while trying to do your best.
It’s not difficult to double up since many players will pay you easily since they frequently go all-in with nothing. You just need to wait for the right moment to make this profitable.
These are just a few tips to help you improve your game. They help me a lot, and I hope they will help you as well.
Good luck at the tables and keep studying!!!


"Originally published on the Titan Poker Blog"

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