sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Which Poker book will help you learn Poker?

I’ve started writing on this blog about how I began to play poker, and I also listed the types of games I like to play. I play mostly No Limit Hold’em, Omaha Hi/Low, and Pot Limit Hold’em. Here is my question to you: What type of poker do you like to play?
Many players improve their poker by reading some of the very instructive books that have come out over the years. If you want to learn basic poker strategy, you need to read these books! I believe you need to start with the following three books by professional poker player Dan Harrington.

- Harrington on Hold ‘em Expert Strategy for No Limit Tournaments, Vol. 2: Endgame by Dan Harrington and Bill Robertie (2005)

- Harrington on Hold ‘em: Expert Strategies for No Limit Tournaments, Vol. III–The Workbook by Dan Harrington and Bill Robertie (2006)

Reading these books helped me to understand poker – the context, the idea, the principles, the math, the bluff….almost everything!
Harrington’s language in the books is every easy to understand, and he has so many examples that make you think about the game, before you play and as you play.
These books opened my mind and made me aware of all the strategies involved in the game. Anyone who likes sit ‘n’ go and multi-table tournaments will benefit from reading them.
To improve my knowledge of Omaha Poker, I had the pleasure to read some books written by Jeff Hwang. I think it’s brilliant if you want to invest your time to master the game of Omaha, mostly because the players are weak and they don’t know too much about the game. If you study up on Omaha and play it regularly, it’s an easy way to make money.
I hope this article helps point you in the direction of some great poker books. You should try out all the different kinds of poker to see which one fits you the best.

"Originally published on the Titan Poker Blog"

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